
How to generate an income from your Blog or Website

How to generate an income from your Blog or Website

Are you wanting to generate an income from your blog or website? Well the first step is, of course, to own a website or blog. AdSense has been around for nearly as long as the internet has existed. You simply sign up and a code for your website is generated. The code determines adverts to be displayed by analysing the content on the site. You will receive money each time a reader clicks on an advert and goes to the website of the provider. Akin to AdSense is Banner advertising, which is exactly what it sounds like. You allow companies to advertise their products in the form of a banner advert, and you receive commission (and you can determine how much but be fair) on sales and services driven from your site.

More ways to generate an income

Let’s talk about the three monetisation forms most commonly seen after adverts:

  • Affiliate marketing – instead of getting paid per click on adverts, you receive commission on sales from buyers using you affiliate code.
  • Sponsored posts – this form of monetisation is essentially you allowing other people to write articles about their products and services that you will then publish on your blog with external links that will drive readers to their website. Google isn’t a big fan of this as it is essentially just the selling of links, so handle with discretion.
  • Social media – basically, companies aim to reach their audiences through your sharing of content to your followings on social medias.

And, of course, there is the big one – product and service sales. Quite simple: you sell your products and services through eCommerce. Customers pay via a payment processing programme such as PayPal.

A new one

A way to generate an income from your blog or website that is quickly gaining traction is hotel room bookings. A subset of affiliate marketing, how this works is you receive commission if a hotel room is booked through your blog or website. Give Studio Licious Group a call today to find out more on how to generate an income from your blog or website.

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